VICAM SSI2- Ensures maximum read rates and best results for OCR identification.
Auto ID system VICAM SSI2 is very helpful for companies in the storage logistics and distribution logistics sector, deploying modern auto ID to automatically and reliably process mail and parcels of goods receipt and goods issue processes is essential, as objects are automatically sorted and placed in stock and flows of goods posted after the goods item has been accurately identified.
What’s unique: for 2D barcode and simple OCR applications, all components are combined compactly in a single device. This not only saves space and also makes it easier to transport the systems and get them up and running.
Key Benefits:
- can be used at up to 4.5 m/s and 170 dpi
- covers object widths of up to 1200 mm
- delivers the best image qualities
- efficient 2D code, barcode and character reading (OCR) with maximum read rates
- with red or white LED indicators
- lowest power consumption
- small and light: simplifies transport, installation and service
- modular design and system flexibility
- software upgrades (e.g. optical character recognition) can be done quickly and easily
- plug & play function
- image processing from a single source
- offers combination of different functions (volume measurement and automatic weighing)
- low energy consumption protects the environment