Plant solutions for plastics

Plastic recycling competences:
REDWAVE guarantees high throughput of materials with maximum recovery of materials achieving maximum return on the separated commodities. Different sensor systems can be selected to achieve the optimum performance.
- Feeding system
- Shredding technology
- Screening technology
- Conveying technology
- REDWAVE sensor-based sorting technology
- Pressing technology
Customer benefit:
- Cost-effective mode of operation
- High throughput rates and
- High quality of final product
Sensor based sorting machines
- REDWAVE NIR/C(Multi-Sensor) – a combination of NIR Infrared Spectroscopy with color sensors for material and color recognition
- REDWAVE NIR– for material recognition
- REDWAVE C– for color recognition
- REDWAVE XRF– for recognition of chemical composition
- REDWAVE SAS– Sample Analysing System – for input sample analyzing and output quality control
The recovery of unmixed plastics and other potential recyclables represents a major challenge for the processing industry.
Our intensive research and development work offers the latest sorting technology at any time. The fields of application within plastics sorting are often very different. For example, bottles (PET, HDPE, PP, …), films (LDPE, PP, …) as well as bio-degradable plastics can be efficiently recycled and chloride compounds (PVC), flame retardant plastics, paper, wood and metals can be effectively separated.